This page allows you to generate dome shapes for minecraft. Read the instructions here (opens in a new tab). Sorry about the UI being a bit rough.
Surface Layer
Anchor Layer
⚓ X Z Y
⚓ X Z Y
⚓ X Z Y
Generation parameters
Parabolic (load-bearing) load
Catenary (self-supporting) load
Roof loading (approching a limit) Target Y load
Show Lines
Show Minecraft Blocks Join faces
Dome display
⥁ ⥀ ↑ ↓ Move ▲ ▼ FOV + -
render timems
Construction Plans
MinecraftDome Construction Plans
If you find these plans useful, please consider dropping a couple of bucks into my PayPal
Minecraft Dome by Paul
Murray is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.