Week 41 - The bigger they are
Well, I got the sulks again because the party totally disposed of my big monster. As Morgan is out of town, we swapped in a monk instead of Gauthakan just to see what would happen (we’ll award G the usual XP - suspension of disbelief and all that). Bleh. The monk sucked as hard as everyone says they do.

The sudden shift in environment is shocking and overwhelming for a moment. The sound of the raging tempest is gone, replaced by a gentle wind carrying birdsongs and the drone of buzzing insects. The sky above is overcast, yet it doesn’t seem ready to storm.
The edge of a sprawling black forest, dense and overgrown, fills the view in one direction. Tall trees sag with branches heavy with moss, their dark eaves dropping to the ground in some places. From within comes a cacophony of insects and singing birds. Now and then, a ghostly green glow appears within, only to fade moments later, as if whatever creature was generating the light was afraid to be seen.
In the other directions grassy hills rise. Opposite the forest, these hills eventually become a range of rocky, barren mountains. A flash of brilliant lightning ignites the sky above the mountains for a moment, and the distant peal of muted thunder echoes down the slopes a few moments after.
The party orient themselves after the plane shift. The casters among them become aware that this plane is not coterminous with the etheral plane or the plane of shadow: Dimension Door, Teleport, Shadow X spells won’t work here. But the plane is infused with positive energy: unlike on Eberron, Resurrection and Regeneration will work. Cool.
After a few moments, some dudes step out of the trees.

Asking the party’s business, the party say they are chasing a bad guy. The watchers take the position that it’s not their business too interfere. Of course: that’s not really why the party is here. They are here because they are looking for the location of Dragotha’s phylactery. Eventually, someone happens to mention that they are looking for info, and another goddamn cutscene ensues.
Reading these things out is a drag. DMs thinking of running this adventure: print out the cutscene text and get the players to read it themselves.
“You seek the Fountain, although you do not yet realize it. The Fountain of Dreams is linked to all things in Last Resort. The earth, the dark trees of the Doomshroud, the clouds above, my life and that of my brothers are a part of it. If the waters are consumed, the Order of the Storm’s rite is undone. The secrets kept from the world will be released, and the great creatures of legend imprisoned here on this isle shall be unleashed upon the Material Plane once more. You say you are heroes? This remains to be seen. Accomplish four tasks and prove yourselves to be the heroes of old returned. The Fountain shall not be despoiled lightly.”
The strange creature looks at his four brothers, then back to you. “The Fountain of Dreams shall know those destined for its gift s in but one way. It will know them by the Trials of Tilagos. Survive these trials, and you may slake your thirst on what you seek. Fail, and Last Resort shall be your grave. I am Tylanthros, and the fi rst trial is the Claiming of Krathanos’s Golden Belt.”
A second of the quartet of creatures speaks up next. “I am Beskawahn, and the second trial is the Silence of the Doomshroud’s Mournful Song.”
The third speaks. “I am Thadimar, and the third trial is the Death of the Thorn Vale Nightmare.”
Finally, the last creature speaks. “I am Sayren-Lei, and the final trial is the Harvest of the Living Feather of the Roc King.”
Tylanthros speaks again. “These trials complete, return here and we shall show you the Fountain of Dreams. Until then, we shall watch. And wait.”
“Either that, or bring us each a shrubbery, then chop down the tallest tree on this island with this herring”.
Having given their quest, the watchers exit. Flash tries to persuade them to stick around a little and explain some more, but they are not persuaded.

Although the spell expires well before they get there, “Thataway” turns out to be good enough, as Bloodfeather Peak becomes visible in the distance - a massive volcanic plug, a natural tower. The party scale it - I forget how - and on top is a dead Roc in a small lake of blood. Damn. They decide to use Reincarnation, but first to do a Speak with Dead and Speak with Animals to ensure the Elvis is willing.
Well, Elvis ain’t that bright, but he agrees. He reincarnates as a Giant Eagle, and the party hope that one of his feathers will satisfy the watchers. But what now? The party decide to use a Commune. They ask the gods a series of questions, and get some answers.
I got to role-play the gods for this bit. It was a little weird. Bevis wrote down the questions they were asking, and was totally going to mail them to me so I could paste them in here.

Negotiations ensue. Kranthos wants off the island. Frith notes that he is, in fact, insane and unstable. Negotoations break down. Flash casts an illusion of a Gate spell, and when Kranthos steps through it, melee starts. But before too much else happens, Flash casts Final Rebuke and Kranthos rolls a 7. And that’s that.
The party scores a belt. And some loot.
Well, that’s high-level 3.5 for you: save or die rules the day. As for the Trials of Tilagos: the party are two out of four. Well, one out of four - the “Living Feather” is problematical. But where’s Qarl Querthos? Running about the Island, no doubt. And not a lot of a clue, yet, about where the other two challenges might lie. Sure hope this “library” is worth it.